Oceanic Society works to improve ocean health by deepening the connections between people and nature to address the root cause of its decline: human behavior.

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We’re bringing the ocean into our daily lives and building the movement of ocean supporters. We can’t do it without you.

Our planet is mostly ocean, and we rely on it for survival. But we’re not taking great care of it. Overfishingpollutionclimate change, and other human impacts have led to depleted marine resources, unhealthy ecosystems, and disappearing species. But it’s not too late.

At Oceanic Society, we believe that everyone has a role to play in ocean conservation. From the things we buy to the way we power our homesthe food we eat, and the way we travel, our choices impact ocean health.

As America’s oldest non-profit organization dedicated to ocean conservation, Oceanic Society has worked for more than 50 years to inspire and empower people worldwide to take part in building a healthy future for the world’s oceans. Through our work we are:

Bringing the ocean into our daily lives with Blue Habits—a science-based effort to motivate simple, daily choices that lead to healthier oceans.

Supporting efforts worldwide that engage coastal communities in protecting threatened marine species and their habitats.

Leading expeditions that give people life-changing experiences in nature, support ocean research and conservation, and shape the travel industry.

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