Enjoy Great Coffee, and Support The Veterans Breakfast Club - an organization that understands and values the experiences of our military veterans.

Use special code VBCSTORY at checkout for free shipping (2 bags or more) and to automatically donate $2 for every bag to the Veterans Breakfast Club - at no additional cost to you!

The VBC Mission
Our mission at the Veterans Breakfast Club is to create communities of listening around veterans and their stories to ensure that this living history will never be forgotten. We believe that through our work, people will be connected, educated, healed, and inspired.

Making a social impact and connecting people across the globe

Double the Impact! Here at home and back in Vietnam
Bamboo Bob Coffee uses "Direct Trade", a new way to connect food lovers and the local farmers who grow these foods directly, with no middlemen, importers, or large corporate interests in the middle. You coffee purchase sends money directly to the coffee farmers in Vietnam, and helps complete projects right in their local communities thorugh the Bamboo Bob Foundation.

Grab Some GREAT Vietnamese Coffee Today!
Use special code VBCSTORY at checkout.
The Farmers and the Vets say.... THANKS!